XIV Annual Congress of the European Proteomic Association3–7 April 2022 • Leipzig (DE)
XIV Annual Congress of the European Proteomic Association3–7 April 2022 • Leipzig (DE)
Conventus Congressmanagement & Marketing GmbH
Carl-Pulfrich-Strasse 1
07745 Jena, Germany
Project team
Ms. Cyntia Rammel
Phone: +49 3641 3116-333
Mobile: +49 176 70 73 79 14
Email: proteomic-forum@conventus.de
Mr. Andreas Lelle
Phone: +49 3641 3116-397
Email: proteomic-forum@conventus.de
Ms. Mandy Wagner
Phone: +49 3641 31 16-160
Email: registration@conventus.de
Mr. Stefan Regge
Phone: +49 3641 31 16-161
Email: abstract@conventus.de